The Canadian band Three Days Grace doesn't have any big promo here in Czech. That's why I'm always so surprised how many people visit their concerts. I found this band like 12 year ago. So for me the reason is more nostalgic. I'm not into the new songs that much. They also changed the singer few years ago. I can't say the new one-Matt- is bad or something. He's actually very good and it's fun to watch him on the stage. So no bad words against him. Only my regret is I have never seen the band with Adam behind the mike. Well, Three Days Grace returned to Prague again and we were there.
I was really lazy to go to the concert any earlier, so I arrived after 5PM. Some of my friends were there already so I joined them. And because I joined them I ended in the front. When the doors were opened we ran right into the 1st row.
The support band was called Bad Wolves. It's not no-name band. Guys from California are the best known for their 2018 cover of Zombie by The Cranberries. This song we heard as the last one from their setlist. I really didn't know what to expect from them. But I really enjoyed their set. They play heavy metal? Maybe. I'm really not good at this genres ranking. For the singer Tommy Vext it's not the first band he sings in. But definitely the most best known. He's really great singer. Definitely check them out.

This was my 2nd time I saw Three Days Grace live. I'm really happy that they invite them more often now. I waited a long time to see them for the 1st time. And I hope sometimes I will be able to see also Adam Gontier. He has got some solo projects so I hope so....
- The Mountain
- Home
- The Good Life
- Pain
- Infra-Red
- World So Cold
- You Don't Get Me High Anymore (Phantogram cover)
- Just Like You
- Love Me Or Leave Me (acoustic)
- Get Out Alive (acoustic)
- Painkiller
- Break
- Let You Down
- I Hate Everything About You
- Animal I Have Become
- Never Too Late
- Riot
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