Nu-metal is not dead! Someone shouted this during the concert and I have to say it's fucking true. All the 90' kids remember Crazy Town's hit Butterfly and some of you think they are only one hit makers. They are not! And I will say you something, you should see them live. It's heavy and crazy and amazing at the same time. I only miss Epic. He stopped to performing with guys like a year ago. But Crazy Town returned to Prague and we coudn't miss them :)
The first band of the night was czech band EXIT EMPIRE. Never heard about these guys but I really liked their concert. And even more when they played cover of Crawling by Linkin Park. I have to mention that in breaks during bands only Linkin Park songs were played. Sad and amazing at the same time.

Time for CRAZY TOWN. Singer Shifty is so great! They pump you with the energy. It's hard to describe but those beats just got you and you can't stop. It's always a bit strange when the band is so close to you (just watch the photos). And because people were crazy I almost pushed into Shifty once :D They played mix of the old and new songs. And of course, they didn't miss Butterfly. But also Toxic, Lemonface, Come Inside or Drowning. I think Crazy Town is really my "guilty pleasure". But not I would be ashamed of listening to them. I think you just have to experience their concert to understand why they are so cool :)
And after the gig we had a chance to take a pic with Shifty. Maybe he doesn't look like that but he's really nice and easy-going guy :)
Because it was quite impossible to take any good photos during the gig, you can watch some photos here: (just spot two biggest fan girls in the front line :D )
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